Accessible outdoor recreation for all...

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Access Recreation

Access Recreation is a Portland, Oregon ad hoc committee that had developed guidelines for minimum information that should be provided about hiking trails and outdoor facilities, that would benefit hikers with disabilities, and which should be applied to agency websites, printed materials and at trail sites. 

Based on the success of the guidelines, as of 2014 AR was awarded two Nature in Neighborhoods (NIN) grants from Metro to conduct 36 trail reviews and to produce 18 videos over a three-year period. Click here for the dedicated AccessTrails website.

Access Recreation was conceived by Georgena Moran who had discovered, as a wheelchair user, that the primary obstacle to being able to hike trails was a lack of useful information.

The committee is made up of dozens of representatives from federal, state and local park agencies and many other organizations that support people with disabilities.

Celebrating 12 years of community service...2010 2022

Creation of the AccessTrails project

36 trail explorations; 300-page website;

18 professional-quality here to see all 18...

Numerous awards and articles...dozens of presentations throughout the west coast region...

And, yes, even a comic strip...

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